Year 2011 Day 140 May 20: To the Continuum
Day 140 Date: Friday May 20, 2011
Beginning Comments:
Just as I was about to sit down and write today’s message, I received an email which included an attachment to some channeled material.
The being who came through was discussing the death of Osama Bin Laden, asking the people in the room where their compassion was in connection with that event.
This reminds me of my student days with the teachers where they warned us more than once about participating in ‘everyday evil.’
Everyday evil, they taught, was when one rejoiced in someone else’s pain, no matter who they were.
But there is another side of this coin.
The teachers also taught that the energy we run – whether positive or negative – adds to energy bands which exist in physical reality.
This means if we think evil or behave in evil ways, we support the continuation of evil on this planet.
When I say evil, I mean our conscious or unconscious thoughts or actions which cause harm to self, others or both.
This means, of course, that most of us contribute to that energy band in small ways, but I doubt that most people reading this message are major contributors and also are those who work very hard to be conscious of their dark pieces so they will be more of a positive rather than negative contributor.
Based on his philosophy and his actions, however, I doubt anyone would contest that Osama was a major contributor to the energy band of evil while he was still alive.
When he passed, I cannot say that I rejoiced in the pain of the body which was mutilated at the time of death.
But I also have to say that I was glad to know that there was one less contributor of evil that could connect and help feed the evil energy band.
At some level, I really feel his passing really made a difference, just as the passing of Adolf Hitler at the end of World War II caused a weakening in that energy band.
Now, just as recently, a spiritual leader in India called Sai Baba, a great healer and teacher, died of natural causes after a long wonderful life.
I was not a follower of this man, but knew people who were.
When his body passed on, however, I am not sure that his connection to the positive energy band dissipated like that of Osama’s to the evil energy band.
Why the difference? Maybe it is because evil has no energy of its own and is disconnected from the energy band of all life, physical or nonphysical. Once the body dies, the evil that occupied the body can no longer suck energy from those around it.
By the way, the teachers called this energy band the continuum.
Now, this spiritual teacher who transitioned was well connected to the continuum and therefore his change of state from physical to nonphysical had some impact, but at other levels his energy would continue.
So where is this all going? I am not sure at this moment, but I will run energy and see what happens:
Beginning Time: MDT 5/20/2011 10:48:42 AM Location: Loveland, Co
Energy Shift:
Today I find myself in the Squiggi spaceship, already headed past the 20xx levels and in the blackness of the 30xx.
We speed past those levels, into the 40xx’s and finally stop before the black hole at the center of our galaxy.
I am told I am allowed to become one with the black hole for a few seconds to experience its nature.
What I feel is movement, change, everything created, and the probabilities of everything that can be created all at once.
Physically, I feel dizzy, and then find myself, spent, back on Squiggi’s spaceship heading back to normal consciousness.
Andre, who I haven’t spoken to in some time, materializes next to me.
“The energy of the black holes is a physical symbol/connection to the continuum,” Andre explains.
“Please understand that the continuum touches all life, but it is stronger at some focus levels than at others.
This is one of the reasons that evil cannot exist in some of the higher dimensions, for it is that which has broken off from the continuum and is allowed to continue as a learning tool in the more physical focus levels.
Your teachers, who have been studying evil, may not have mentioned that evil is allowed to exist, for they were trying to teach you how to combat, overcome or handle, the places in your lives and/or soul patterns which are still touched by evil.
As you are aware, evil cannot exist by itself, and needs agreement from others to continue.
In time, those who live on your level - and we are speaking of those soul parts working reincarnational patterns – will either learn how to deal with evil levels or be so consumed by them that the soul parts will cease to exist.
From my point of view, that has already happened, but from your level, this process will take many thousands of years.”
Andre begins to dematerialize. I thank him and he sends me a telepathic bow before he is gone.
Then I find myself standing at the Doriville curb, with a slight headache and feeling a bit queasy.
I suspect even a 30 second bath in the continuum had a detoxing effect on whatever dark levels I carry in my body.
Ending Time: MDT 11:04:41 A.M.
Ending Comments:
This was an interesting trip. I never would have equated a black hole as being some sort of connection to the continuum, but it makes sense to part of me.
Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.
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