Monday, August 22, 2011

Year 2011 Day 234 August 22: A Message From Benjamin 1985


Day 234 Date:  Monday August 22, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            Last Friday was the 3 week ‘anniversary’ of my surgery.

            Though I am much better than I was 3 weeks ago, I still have a way to go.

            This means I will be publishing ‘blasts from the past’ all this week and will have to see where I am at next Monday.

            As I was rummaging around in my BFTP file, I ran into something very interesting.

            On 1/2/1985 I dictated a message from Benjamin.  

            This surprised me as I hadn’t remembered that Benjamin had been around for that long.

Beginning Time:  CST 1/2/1985   Location: Plymouth, Mn

Energy Shift:

"Your interest in saving the world is a false one – oh yes, you have it, highly sabotaged.

            Do not let this pain you; it is a malady of all caring people.

            Friends of a greater source than yourself suffered through this, and overcame it.

            It is a price you pay for greater humanity.

            Instead of trying to save, destroy, but destroy with finesse.  Destroy that which impedes others from finding their way to their path; occasionally that requires higher caring than mush – if you want to call it that.

            It takes the fortitude to be unpopular, with all.  There will only be a few that will understand, and they might not even love you.

            Be of a caring nature, but care enough about self not to let others take advantage of you.  Instead, input garbage (?) to their place if you must.

           We are all of a necessary nature.  We all strive to augment our paths, no matter what form or consciousness we have.  It is the striving that is the betterment.  With good striving, karma problems become simplistic and almost laughable. But the striving must be of the highest order, and that takes learning.

            With a cosmic kiss, I salute you all.      


Ending Time:   CST 9:07 PM 1/2/1985

Ending Comments:  

            This was a time of my life when dictation was a little rough, and when I look at the energy, the Benjamin I now know and the Benjamin of 25 years ago were not the same.

            I am still puzzling over what Benjamin meant by “inputting garbage”.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.


Dori Alsop Paden



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