Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Year 2011 Day 243 August 31: A Struggle for Inner Peace

Day 243 Date:  Wednesday August 31, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            The message today was delayed because of a trip to emergency – not for me, but for Don.

            He exhibited symptoms which looked like he might be dealing with kidney stones; all tests, however, luckily showed up nothing amiss, and the strong pain meds which they gave him seemed to take care of the symptoms.

            At this point, I am heartily sick of the emergency room and hope I do not see it (either as an inmate or visitor) for a long time.

            Today, instead of copying some blast from the past, I am going to try a bit of current dictation, maybe a multidimensional message, or something from my sources:

Beginning Time:  MDT 8/31/2011 2:20:41 PM    Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            To my surprise, I have an image of Doriville in my head, and find myself in a regenerational sarcophagus in the Dolphin Healing Center.

            Xan Emiko and Benjamin are gathered around me, looking serious.

            That worries me a little bit, but they tell me this does not mean that anything dire is about to happen.

            There is a healing equation which my body is not absorbing as quickly as they had hoped.

            They tell me the equation is absorbing, and they have full confidence that the body will absorb it in time.

            In the meantime, they remind me to focus on my emotional state and do my best to maintain a level of serenity to the best of my ability.

            This is a time for me to learn how to connect with my inner peace.

            They disappear and I lay in the chamber absorbing the energies and doing my best to connect with all that is peaceful and caring.

            Even though I am getting better at it, that sometimes can be difficult.   

Ashunayetya (Blessings and Respect to All in all dimensions)!


Ending Time:   MDT 2:29:49 PM

Ending Comments:  

            Rushing a spouse to emergency does not mix very well with inner peace.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.

Dori Alsop Paden



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