Year 2011 Day 091 April 01: A Question on the Fate of Japan
Day 091 Date: Friday April 01, 2011
Beginning Comments:
I want to begin with a gentle reminder that Mercury went retrograde last Wednesday and will remain that way through April 22 or thereabouts, depending on where you live.
On Wednesday, Benjamin had a few words to say about internal clutter. The next day (as I was dealing the same) I found a book called Clean Your Clutter with Feng Shui. This was one of those books which I bought and then put on the shelf without ever opening it.
When I scanned a few chapters, however, I realized that the book spoke in much more detail than Benjamin had about internal clutter (as well as the external stuff). If anyone happens to be interested in the book, the author is Karen Kingston.
Now, yesterday a subscriber sent in a question about Japan.
It was about the Japanese disaster:
Will the Japanese people have to leave their country?
The person that wrote this also wanted to know if they had to evacuate Japan, where they would go.
My first response to the question is that the jury is out about how serious the situation is going to get. Right now, based on the internet, the situation is still very serious.
But even if there were a meltdown, I cannot imagine that Japan would abandon the entire country. After Nagasaki and Hiroshima, they did not and I cannot imagine why they would today, when they didn’t 60 + years ago.
Japan today is the 10th most populated country on the planet with 127 or so million people. That’s a lot of people for the rest of the world to absorb.
I can imagine some residents near the reactor needing relocation to maybe another part of the island, but Japan is a big island.
We can hope that parts of the island will be habitable. If it isn’t, then I would think that the reactor would have become lethal enough to seriously impact other parts of the world also.
Beginning Time: MDT 4/1/2011 12:00:55 PM Location: Loveland, Co
Energy Shift:
Today, I am walking in the park on level 27.
Some of the beings who are on the sidewalks are transitioned souls from the Japanese disaster, and so the telepathic ‘airwaves’ are still alive with this event.
Most of them think (and hope) that the reactor problem will be more of a lesson to the world (if the world leaders choose to learn it) than more of a catastrophe than it is at present.
Many have already visited alternate realities where the reactor either is an relatively immediate concern which dies down in a relatively short time, or creates another wasteland, similar to Russia, where no one will be able to survive for many, many years.
They are of two minds about how the problem should turn out. If the problem becomes handle-able, will the world forget the imminent danger of the other reactors on the planet, or will it take a meltdown in a highly populated place for the message to hit home?
The debate is a big one, with many opinions expressed all at once.
And no one is clear yet what realities will eventually emerge.
Ending Time: MDT 12:09:54 PM
Ending Comments:
It seems as if there is as much talk about this problem in nonphysical reality as in physical reality, and just as much uncertainty.
Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.
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