Friday, May 27, 2011

Year 2011 Day 147 May 27: A Multidimensional Message on Eclipses, etal.

Day 147 Date:  Friday May 27, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            Please note that, as I do not usually publish messages on US National Holidays, I will not publish again, after today, until June 1.

            This being the case, I wish to remind everyone that June 1 is not only a New Moon day, it is also a Solar Eclipse day.

            As I mentioned before it is one of 2 in Saros Cycle South 13, both representing “expansion of energy containing  frustration,  inhibitions, loss or separation”,  according to Bernadette Brady’s book  Predictive Astrology – The Eagle and the Lark.

            Though this energy is true for all on the planet, it seems to be more impactful for Australia and New Zealand.

            No matter where you are, if this energy describes what has been touching you in the last few months, some key planet in your natal chart may be conjunct or in hard aspect (square or opposition) to one of the eclipses.

            The June 1st eclipse is at 11:02 Gemini and the July 1st is at 09:12 Cancer.

            For those not well versed in Astrology, this means that anyone with a key planet or sun within 8 and 13 degrees which is either conjunct or square one of these eclipses is more likely to feel impacted.

            As an example, my natal Venus is at 10:29 degrees Libra, which would mean it squares the eclipse.  As the ‘orb of influence’ in eclipses is usually no more than one degree, this would suggest the eclipse would be more of a ‘glancing blow’ rather than a ‘direct hit’ to me personally.

            For the serious astrologer that looks at midpoints, however, I have a Venus/Neptune midpoint which is within orb of the eclipse.

            A Venus/Neptune midpoint can represent creative outlets, artistic ideas or some level of delusion around those issues.

            If I were to make a personal prediction, then, my guess would be that the middle of  2011, with the energy culminating on July 1, 2011 would be that I might experience frustration or inhibitions with my creative outlets and artistic ideas.

            I would say this is somewhat true with my blogs – it seems I need to work a little harder to connect to my creative outlet; at the same time, however,  it feels as if my messages are beginning to turn in another direction.

            I guess only time will tell.

            By the way, one can find a midpoint by calculating the position of two planets and then dividing them by 2 (or letting an Astrology program do the work for you), and meanings for them are in at least two different books by Noel Tyl.

            My creative energies right now suggest that I also offer an inexpensive eclipse mini astrology reading to anyone interested.

            This reading would involve my looking at your natal chart and midpoints to see how the 2011 eclipses, including the next one on November 24, might impact you.

          It is something which I can email you or discuss with you over the phone.  Before I publish the next blog (before June 1),  I will be adding the particulars to my Readings webpage.

Beginning Time:  MDT  5/27/2011 1:24:59 PM Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            Parties do not always celebrate the obvious.

             Some parties are not a celebration at all

               and some isolated events can be enormously celebratory.

                 It is therefore important to discern the underlying themes,

                    Even when others may be unconscious of what is happening

                     beneath the surface.




Ending Time:   MDT 1:28:52 P.M.

Ending Comments:  

            I was not expecting a multidimensional message.

            While writing it, I was not at all connected to what I wrote in my beginning message and then wondered if it had anything to do with what I write about.

            But as I ponder it, I can see the connection.

             Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.


Visit Dori at the Mandolin Cafe in Downtown Loveland, Co

June 14th & 28th

4:30 PM through 6:30 PM

for a brief Natal tropical/sidereal reading


A Seven Week Destiny Card Forecast!