Monday, June 27, 2011

Year 2011 Day 178 June 27: A Brief Hathor Connection

Day 178 Date:  Monday June 27, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            For the first time in more than three years, I attempted to take a weekend long seminar which would require sitting in a hard chair for more than an hour.

            Seeing I had just had an epidural which seemed to be taking the “edge” off, I thought I could attempt it.

            Now, this class was in healing touch, but by the time I got out of class on Saturday night, I was close to being in agony.

            But Sunday  (when I brought my pain killers with me)  I found that I really did not need them until after lunch- and then more as insurance that the ‘drip’ of pain would not turn into “Niagara Falls”.

            The content of the class was fascinating!

            It was amazing to see people – many who had not worked at all with chakras – being able to clairsentiently locate and work with the body’s energy centers.

            As I view the chakras clairvoyantly, it was interesting to see people working with them using a different paranormal sense.

            I got enough out of the class that I have enrolled in Level 2 – which will happen in about a month.

            In the meantime, my poor husband, and anyone else I run into that has any interest – are likely to become my “guinea pigs”.

            If anyone wonders why I would think a healing class successful when I spent one whole day of it in considerable pain, I can explain.

            Pain has a tendency to throw people (particularly trance mediums) a little out of their body.  Psychologists call this dissociating.

            The upside is that the dissociation allows the body to function; the downside is that pain is supposed to be a signal, and when one does not get the signal, one can actually create more physical damage.

            The first thing one does in a Healing Touch is ground more than I usually do unless I am in an energy shift or teaching a psychic class.

            The grounding brought me more into my body so I felt the pain.

            Now as I need to give the doctor feedback on whether the epidural worked or not, I probably would have told the doctor it did ‘somewhat’ without my Saturday experience.

            By Sunday, I suspect the high level of healing energy actually begin to help.

            I also suspect that the more I practice with the healing energies, the more balanced I will feel.

            This does not mean that I do not need to deal with the physical - mechanical problems in my lower back.

Beginning Time:  MDT 10:36:38 AM Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            Today I feel as if I am drifting in a purple mist, and sense I am surrounded by a number of amused and caring/ kind/ indulgent/ nonjudgmental beings which some call the Hathors.

            Now, though I read the Hathor book, this is the first time I recall having touched their energy – though I might have had one other connection - so I am wondering why I am here and what they have to say.

            They seem to speak as a unit, and are encouraging me to remember that the other healing sense – sound – can enhance both the clairsentient and clairvoyant approaches and make the healing ‘integral’.

            I thank them for their information, and see the purple mist dissipate, and with it, the spiritual presences within it.



Ending Time:   MDT 10:42:20 A.M.

Ending Comments:  

            I have no idea why I ran into the Hathors, but I do recall that Seth once said once you know how to wander around nonphysical and interdimensional realities, you can connect with just about anyone.

            The medium who connects with the Hathors – who seem to be physical beings that exist in a different dimension - is a man by the name of Tom Kenyon.

          His website is if you are interested in learning more about the Hathors.

            As I think about it more, Tom channeled an article called Jumping Time Lines, which I actually have bookmarked.

            Jumping Time Lines is about reorienting oneself to a gentler and kinder Earth probability. 

            Some of the energy in the Healing Touch class seemed to touch the frequency of that gentler and kinder Earth.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.



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