Friday, April 08, 2011

Year 2011 Day 098 April 08: A Chat with a Uluru Guardian

Day 098 Date:  Friday April 08, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            This is another busy day, so I will “cut to the chase” and shift my energy:

Beginning Time:  MDT 4/8/2011 11:20:39 AM Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            Today, I am not surprised to see myself on the top of Uluru in the middle of Australia.

            The focus is a blended 15-21, and at this dimension, I can see waves of color emanating in all directions.

            This is nothing new; I astral projected there in 2004 and saw this phenomenon.

            What it was, though, has never been clear.

            A multicolored energy being approaches,  and morphs into a shining humanoid multicolored form.

            “These are dimensional waves which the Earth is putting out as it adjusts its dimension.

            If you recall this part of the world is the eighth chakra, or physical energy center of the planet.

            What happens here will eventually impact the entire planet.

            Those who travel spiritually to this place with the intention of assisting the multidimensional transition will be adding, consciously or unconsciously, to the energy.

            Those of your old group who visited here did so, and so will you, but also so do many of those who chose to pilgrimage to this place.

            “We thank all of you for your support.”

            The being then bows morphs back into an energy being and vanishes.



Ending Time:   MDT 11:28:18 A.M.

Ending Comments:  

            In 2004, when my former psychic group was in Australia, I was honeymooning in the Northeast. 

            During that time, we spent a few days at a music festival in upstate New York.

            One afternoon, after inhaling some second hand marijuana smoke (I do not use it myself because it throws me into weird states of altered consciousness), I astral projected to Uluru and saw the colors radiating out of the rock.

            I had a sense of what it meant, but I am glad I had a chance to talk to this being - a guardian of the rock, if I am not mistaken.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.

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4:30 PM through 6:30 PM

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