Year 2011 Day 167 June 16: Touring Formlessness
Day 167 Date: Thursday June 16, 2011
Beginning Comments:
I apologize for not getting out a message yesterday as promised, but I was dealing with some unexpected reactions to the procedure I had on Monday.
As I am still not at the top of my game even today, I am going to publish only two messages this week – last Tuesday and today – and then return to the Monday Wednesday Friday schedule next week.
A week from yesterday I was supposed to board a plane to Auckland New Zealand for a 29 day New Zealand Australian adventure.
Though I felt close to devastated when the tour company cancelled and I had to reschedule, I just heard today that a volcanic ash cloud from Chile is disrupting many flights in both New Zealand and Australia.
Chances are that Qantas will be flying within the week, but I suspect the chaos from a week’s worth of cancelled flights might still be lingering a week from today.
I also would not have scheduled the surgery which I had on Monday; it is early days, but I think it is helping.
The follow up appointment, however, is scheduled five days after I would have been on my trip.
When I had to reschedule my tour I idly wondered if there was a good reason; so far it seems that a few good reasons are beginning to materialize.
By the way, the travel agent has informed me that the New Zealand/ Australia September date is still a go, but the tour company has not yet solidly confirmed it.
That may not happen for another month, though I hope it will be sooner than that.
If it cancels again, I will likely seek other options.
For the last couple of weeks, some guides have been encouraging me to put together a book on my extraterrestrial astral travels.
In actuality, I have part of the book already compiled, and only need to update it from 2009 (when I first compiled it) and then edit, edit edit.
I am therefore adding this projects to the others which I hope to complete before I leave for Australia.
Beginning Time: MDT 6/16/2011 9:43:07 AM Location: Loveland, Co
Energy Shift:
As I began to run energy, I hoped I would be visiting some extraterrestrial landscape today, but instead I find myself at the back of Gramp’s drug store facing the time-dimensional portal/tunnel/wormhole – whatever one wants to call it.
An unseen hand gives me a gentle push and I find myself free falling through a swirl of colors scents and sounds.
I would expect the free fall to feel somewhat disorienting and/or frightening, but I actually feel extremely safe.
Part of me would be happy to float through this whorl of sensation forever.
As I am falling/floating through this, I sense someone beside me.
First I thought it was Benjamin, but it turns out to be Squiggi – who actually is in human form – dressed in a dazzlingly yellow robe, and who takes my hand.
“You could say that today you are traveling through your own levels of formlessless,” Squiggi tells me.
“To merge with it unafraid and to enjoy its energy is a fine way to help your physical body become more familiar with its energy and be able to assimilate it in a creative way during its daily routines.
It is also a good way of picking up bits and pieces of creativity which one can use in a productive way.”
Squiggi then squeezes my hand and vanishes before I can thank it.
A moment later I find myself back in Gramp’s Drug Store facing a closed door to the portals.
I cannot help but feel somewhat disappointed.
Ending Time: MDT 9:54:00 A.M.
Ending Comments:
Lately, I have somehow sensed that physically I am about to face another session of formlessless – where some aspect of physical reality changes, usually abruptly, leaving my body to reinvent its sense of stability. Experiencing the positive side of this process is helpful.
Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.
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4:30 PM through 6:30 PM
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