Year 2011 Day 094 April 4: Through A Waking Dream
Day 094 Date: Monday April 04, 2011
Beginning Comments:
This morning I woke up with a pleasant dream which I now only half remember.
The details are now vague but the message – that I am pulling in ‘music’ now which I tried to bring through before but couldn’t/didn’t – came through.
‘Music’, in this case, symbolized the harmony of life more than just plain music.
I really love this kind of dream:
Beginning Time: MDT 4/4/2011 11:13:21 AM Location: Loveland, Co
Energy Shift:
Again, I stop by Doriville for a minute before I go on to other dimensions.
Right now, I am not sure where I am. I see a swirling portal which is pulling me in. The portal is dark and gloomy, like a tornado, but Benjamin’s telepathic voice assures me that I am in no danger and advises me to “go with the flow.”
The tornado deposits me in a beautiful land (is my mind mimicking OZ?) where everything looks dewy green and the air is crisp and sweet smelling.
A figure which looks like the scarecrow approaches me.
I step back for a minute, then hear the scarecrow howl with laughter and see it morph into Squiggi who presents as a swirling bright yellow energy being.
“A belated April Fool’s prank,” Squiggi tells me.
“I ask him where this place is.”
“This is a construct you have been working on – a symbol of your accomplishments which you have felt unreachable up to now.
The tornado is all the dust and dirt you have sucked in (or have been sucked into).
That you can get to the other side, which is still under construction, by the way, is a big step.
This construct is a combination of focus levels, a blending which one needs before the idea/feeling manifests in physical reality.
Do not expect to see a yellow brick road tomorrow, but your inner self is telling you that you are finally able to dust yourself off and be able to pursue your rainbows.
I thank Squiggi who vanishes as I return to normal consciousness.
Ending Time: MDT 11:24:36 A.M.
Ending Comments:
As I was in it, I realized that the above experience was, more or less, a waking dream – kind of a continuation of the one I had early this morning.
Sometimes the dust storms of life can obscure our goals and dreams quite effectively.
And finding one’s way through them sometimes takes more time and effort than any of us want to think about.
I can only be grateful that my inner self seems to be sending me the message that the skies are clearing.
The question that is up in the air for me, however, is if I could have shortened the process if I could have focused more on my OZ in the past.
That, I suppose, is unknowable, but if there are those of you who are looking for their own personal OZ while you are in the tornados of life, do not forget to maintain focus on the positive constructs.
The process just might shorten and/or minimize your ordeals.
Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.
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