Year 2011 Day 277 October 04: Wisdom from a Tamarack Tree
Wisdom from a Tamarack Tree
Day 277 Date: Tuesday October 04, 2011
Beginning Comments:
Though I did have some access to the internet, I did not at any time which was convenient.
Therefore, I am publishing this on Tuesday, while on the road in York, Nebraska.
Though I expect I will be home in Loveland tomorrow, I am going to give myself a break and not publish a blog until Thursday October 6.
The blog after that will probably be on Monday, as I don’t often publish blogs two days in a row any more.
Now…Last Friday, I connected with a large Tamarack tree nearby the camper trailer I was staying.
It had noticed that I still had an energetic ‘root ball’ which the redwoods had given me (and others in my group) back in the 1990’s.
It then yelled at me that it had a message for me, but if I wanted it, I would have to touch it, as that would be the only way it could glean the data from the root ball I carried.
Unfortunately, the Tamarack tree was not on a cleared part of the property. There were high grasses around it, and the ground felt very much like it was, or recently had been a bog.
Gingerly, I made my way to the tree, and finally got close enough to touch a branch without stepping in anything wet, thank goodness.
I also was not in a really good mood about having to stumble over the rough ground to get to the tree.
Luckily, the tree found my grumbling and mild curses amusing.
Right after I touched a branch and we made an energy exchange, it gave me this message:
Beginning Time: Not Recorded. Location: Rural Becker County, Minnesota
Energy Shift:
"Look and listen to the sky and the wind…
but not in that order.
“Listen to the sky and see the wind
(When you can accomplish that) you can then show your great wisdom.”
Ending Time: CDT 5:02 PM 9/30/2011
Ending Comments:
I really liked the tree’s comment and found myself laughing at my grumpiness (as if I merged with the tree somewhat) as I made my way back to the more travelable areas of the property.
Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.