Friday, June 10, 2011

Year 2011 Day 161 June 10: A Multidimensional Message on Inner Peace

Day 161 Date:  Friday June 10, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            I again will begin with a reminder that I will probably not publish the next message until Tuesday, though Monday night may be an option, if I am up to it.

          Also, I need to make a correction:  my doctor told me I have a collapsed disc, not a collapsed vertebra.  The former is about degeneration and the latter is about fractures, usually from osteoporosis, which is not my problem.

            Thanks to a busy day, today I am going to revert to a multidimensional message.

            Back in the days when that was I all did, I would ask a question and get the answer in four to six lines.

            Today, therefore, instead of taking pot luck, I am going to ask a question.

            At this point in my development, I am working on touching my inner peace, so I will be asking my inner self to comment on this in multidimensional form:

Beginning Time:  MDT 6/10/2011 9:31:30 AM Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            Gonads swing out of control

               in the times of hormones or turmoil

                 but can balance themselves over time.

                    Knowing their rhythm enhances the balance.



Ending Time:   MDT 9:33:36 A.M.

Ending Comments:  

            Sometimes the hardest thing to do with these messages is not deny it or turn it off when a word pops in which a part of me censures.

            I had a general idea what a gonad was, but looked it up after I finished the message.

            According to the dictionary, it is a reproductive gland – either male or female.

            In the multidimensional world, however, it would also allude to our ability to create (reproduce) at a variety of levels.   

            The message would then make a lot of sense when one asks about seeking inner peace, at least in a somewhat upside down way.

           My multidimensional messages have a habit of looking at a situation from an odd direction.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.


Visit Dori at the Mandolin Cafe in Downtown Loveland, Co

June 14th & 28th

4:30 PM through 6:30 PM

for a brief Natal tropical/sidereal reading


A Seven Week Destiny Card Forecast!