Friday, July 22, 2011

Year 2011 Day 203 July 22: One Way to Retrieve Dreams

One Way to Retrieve Dreams

Day 203 Date:  Friday July 22, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            In my estimation, dreams one recalls hours after waking up usually have more of an emotional intensity than those which vanish a few minutes after our return to “normal” consciousness.

            Today, I had one of those – what I call a “keeper”:

            I was away from home a significant distance (but not horribly far) when all of a sudden I began to lose power in my car.

            The car then “coughed”, let off a horrible gasoline smell (the smell was part of the dream – quite unusual), and then the car lost even more power.

            I was afraid I was going to have to pull over to the side of the road, but found that I had enough power to get to a shopping center where there was a garage we have used in the past.

            Unfortunately, it was night, and I realized I would have to wait until morning until it got fixed.

            By this time, I was beginning to wake up, but I was not all that worried that the car could not be repaired, nor that I was irrevocably stranded, only that the entire incident would be more of a minor aggravation or setback rather than a major problem.

            As the symbolism for my “drive” or energy is my car, the dream makes sense, at a variety of levels.

            Nevertheless, I like to get my other conscious input on dreams like these:

Beginning Time:  MDT 7/22/2011 11:15:04 AM Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            Though Doriville first flashed into my head, I flew by those dimensional levels to Level 27, where I find myself at the Healing Center, rather than in my dream room at my special place.

            This is a surprise.

            I look around, but see neither Emiko, nor anyone else, around to greet me.

            As it does not seem that I am going to have a guide right now, I enter the building, and follow the signs I see to “Physical Dream Analysis”.

            At this building is constructed by intent, as soon as I see the sign, I click to the Dream Analysis Area.

            There are a number of doors in a long corridor, but I felt myself drawn to a room full of computer monitors.

            Computer Monitors for a dream?  I ask myself, and then peek at the monitors.

            All of the Monitors are switched on, but most of them show nothing but blue backgrounds.  (This matches the blue background I have on my physical computer – no symbolism involved).

            One of them, however, shows the dream I had last night.

            Xan, of all people, then materializes, and then I understand I see him as my guide to astral computers.

            “Today, you seem to have a grasp on the meaning of the dream, so we (your sources) thought teaching you how to access a dream which might not be so much of a “keeper” might be an interesting lesson for you.

            This process is for you, or anyone needing to retrieve data on a dream which has lost some of its clarity:

            Find your meditative state, and imagine you are in a room full of computers.  Then seek out the computer which is not blank, but contains a picture – whatever that is – of the dream which you wish to relive.

            Then imagine yourself “walking” into the computer screen.

            Depending on how much you are willing to relive the process and also to let go of one’s “I can’t do this” attitude, you should be able to review all or part of the dream.”

            As Xan bows and prepares to leave, I thank him.

            For a moment, I walk into the computer screen and find myself at the beginning of the dream.

            Then I decide I really do not need to reexperience it at this time, and return to normal consciousness.     



Ending Time:   MDT 11:27:34 A.M.

Ending Comments:  

            That’s a fun little exercise.  I may use it someday (if I remember the process) when there is a dream I really wish to retrieve.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.

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