Monday, April 11, 2011

Year 2011 Day 101 April 11: Connecting with nonhuman Soul Essences

Day 101 Date: Monday April 11, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            In response to Friday’s blog, a subscriber sent the following question:                      

            What is a Guardian of the Rock?

           I answered this question to the subscriber but thought the answer might be helpful to some of you:

           Many mountains/stones/seas/lakes all have nonphysical guardians attached to them.


      When I worked with the psychic group, we talked to many of them.


       In our terms, all of these guardians (nonphysical beings) are very ancient, as they would have ‘attached’ to a place, whatever it is, as it came into being; most of these landforms and water forms, therefore, precede the human race.


       A people connected to the planet can talk to these guardians; I think many of the native cultures all over the world had not disconnected from that level so they could.


        I also think the connection was real but also sometimes colored with the superstition of the culture.


         My experience is that the beings attached to these landforms don’t really talk to individuals – for instance they would probably not say “Hello John Doe, how are you?”, but instead constantly broadcast their existence and their message to anyone capable of listening.


        For instance, a landform – say a volcanic mountain – might be ready to erupt and would broadcast that warning.


        A superstitious people attached to the energy of the earth might hear that warning but interpret it as a “Mountain God”, because their culture was not at a place to understand it is just a being attached to the landform.


            There are some even in this culture who do not understand that the landforms usually speak out impersonally, though I suppose there are exceptions.          


        Many of these beings exist “out of time” so that they also broadcast the beginning, life and ending of the landform to which it is connected. 


        Occasionally, I have connected to a “broadcast” of say, a mountain or a lake, and have been able to feel and see that timelessness.


         It has been one of my joys in this lifetime.


         I hope this makes sense.

Beginning Time:  MDT 4/11/2011 11:38:26 AM Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            This morning, I was thinking of the places in Australia where the birds live.

            Physically, I do not know where that is, but this does not seem to matter; the “bird spirit mass consciousness pool” has pulled me to wherever it is.

            Oddly enough, the color of the pool reflects the bright colors of the macaws which exist in South America, but the subtler colors also do exist.

            The energy of this pool tells me that birds of this genus and those of South America are members.

            Though the spirits more or less belong to this planet, souls which enjoy connect with the bird forms come from other realities.

            These are beings which want the freedom to come and go and do not want to deal with the karma of connecting with a human body.

            Most of the beings are fun loving and relatively happy; the life style of the birds – and being able to fly – also appeals to them.

            Like many souls which only intermittently connect to Earth creatures, these beings are also saddened by the diminishing habitats which allow these creatures to survive without stress.

            Unlike many creatures, however, they enjoy connecting with humans, and do not mind captivity as much as others, as long as the humans who they interact with have caring souls.

            I thank this mass consciousness for its information, and watch it disappear. 

            For a moment or so, I remain in the place of the Australian birds, and revel in their lightheartedness.

            We could learn a great deal from these creatures.  They really know how to live ‘in the now’ and enjoy life.



Ending Time:   MDT 11:49:42 A.M.

Ending Comments:  

             I had forgotten to add that beings also connect to some trees and animals, though they tend to be much ‘younger’ than the souls who occupy landforms.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.


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