Year 2012 Day 189 July 08: The Neutralization of Probable Disasters
Day 189 Date: Friday July 08, 2011
Beginning Comments:
Please note that I will be publishing the next message on Tuesday July 12, which is also the date of my next appearance at the Mandolin Café.
If anyone is interested in a forecast or mini astrology reading much, much cheaper than what I charge at a regular session, ($5 or $10) be sure to drop by the Mandolin Café, on 4th St. between Lincoln and Cleveland in downtown Loveland between 4:30 and 6:30 PM July 12.
Now…last week, I received an email about some people trying to scare people to buy gold (from their company of course) and using scare tactics (regarding an “economic Armageddon”) to do so.
That triggered something in me, so I sat down and half dictated the following:
“I have just finished reading the novel Wizard’s First Rule (for the 3rd time) by the author Terry Goodkind.
It is a middle Earth fiction extravaganza which is a little violent, but contains some amazing truths about society and the way it thinks.
Wizards First Rule, to paraphrase, states: People will believe what they are told to be true or what they fear to be true.
What I add to that is that the law of mass consciousness works in such a way that the more people who believe a thing to be true, the more energy they give to it becoming true.
For this reason, thanks to the newage belief in end of cycle in 2012 and fundamentalist beliefs about the end of days and Armageddon being upon us, there is a great possibility of something pretty awful happening in 2013 or 2014 (after Dec 21, 2012 passes without a whimper – it usually happens after everyone takes a breath of relief).
That depends, of course, on how many people believe in that probable future.
If, however, the more conscious masses can visualize a gentle and happier future and avoids believing the “truths” which the controllers of society wishes us to believe and make manifest, the less energy there will be for those truths to manifest.
At least that is what Seth said in his talks about mass consciousness (paraphrased).
Try to find the energy wave length which touches the caring, try not to get hooked into the gloom and doom, for, according to my teachers, the energy of every conscious person has the ability to neutralize at least a hundred of the unconscious.
This does not mean, of course, that one does back up that energy with actions (signing petitions, recycling, working with groups on positive actions, etc.).
By the way, I would heartily recommend the novel Wizard’s First Rule by Terry Goodkind.”
Since I wrote this piece I have realized that, over the years, I have “bought in” to the disaster mentality when I have speculated on possible or probable calamities.
Perhaps it is time for me to “walk my talk” though sometimes it is difficult not to get caught up in possible disasters when we hear about all kinds of them day after day.
Beginning Time: MDT 7/8/2011 11:04:12 AM Location: Loveland, Co
Energy Shift:
As I began to run energy, a picture of the Wizards Sixth Rule, which is in about book six of the Sword of Truth series, popped into my head.
I do not remember the exact rule out of this fictional book, but it parallels the “rule” a being called the Master mentioned in one of our classes:
In physical reality common sense is the highest form of spirituality.
He explained common sense as the ability to see when the buffalo herd is really about to stampede so one can get out of the way rather than denying it is stampeding and get crushed, or spending one’s time immobilized by worry that it will stampede to the point that one’s decisions are colored by the possibility the herd will stampede. This also keeps normally level headed people from doing something tangible about keeping the herd quiet.
Ending Time: MDT 11:10:41 A.M.
Ending Comments:
That was an interesting level of channeling. It was almost as if I were in the middle of a nonphysical debate trying to pull in the summary of the debate.
One last note: though the above might apply more to manmade disasters than planetary disasters, levels of common sense apply there also such as:
Don’t live in places known to flood, have earthquake activity, tsunami activity, violent storms (tornados or hurricanes), or where water needs to be imported long distances.
That rules out a lot of places where people live, but not all.
On the other hand, if a meteorite decides to collide with our planet, there is not much we can do about that, so worrying about that possibility is probably a waste of time.
Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.
Visit Dori at the Mandolin Cafe in Downtown Loveland, Co
The 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month thru August 2011
4:30 PM through 6:30 PM
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