Monday, June 20, 2011

Year 2011 Day 171 June 20: Emiko on Healing Classes

Day 171 Date:  Monday June 20, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            This week, I am back to the Monday Wednesday Friday routine.

            On Saturday, I attended a Healing Touch intro class which I found to be interesting.

            Though some of the processes the instructor touched on suggest that the program is deficient in some aspects of basic psychic training, at the same time it also seems that someone has taken the time to figure out the medical symbolisms of the body’s basic energy fields.

            As this is not a level which my psychic training touched, I am thinking about taking a weekend class in it.

            For me, it would be equivalent to a course in “psychic anatomy”; sometimes not being able to name structures one sees can lead to levels of nebulousness.

            Whether I will be taking the course next weekend, or sometime later on, however, is still up in the air.

            Over the years,  I have more or less tiptoed around psychic healing and medical intuitive readings, as they can  be real ‘hot potatoes’;  I came to the conclusion that being able to ‘see’ areas of the body where the energy is not flowing without the ability to name what is going on might cause more harm than good.

            I still recall giving a reading to a woman in our psychic group - someone I did not know very well.

            During the course of the reading, she idly asked me “Is there anything you see in my health?”

            I did a scan of her body and ‘saw ‘a dark spot on her back.  I explained to her that the dark spot could be anything – including old energy scars from past injuries.

            When I mentioned that to her she said quickly (as if she wanted to change the subject), “Oh, they must be from an accident I had some years ago.”

            Though the black spot I was seeing was lower than where she described the accident had harmed her, it seemed obvious to me that she didn’t want to discuss the issue any further, and we went on to other matters.

            A month or less later, she ended up in emergency where she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in the upper intestine.

            Only then did  I hear  (through the grapevine)  that she had been having abdominal pain, and had done the lower intestine tests which of course showed up ok because the problem was in the upper intestine.

            A week or so later, she called me from the hospital to tell me that she had not really been in a place where she wanted to deal with the “elephant in the living room”.  Obviously, a subconscious part of her was aware that she had a serious medical problem.

            She sounded somewhat contrite that she had ‘blown me off’, but I assured her that  it had not in her timing to deal with the issue, and things sometimes happen that way.

            Three months later, she was dead; discussing the ‘black spot’ during the reading would not have changed anything except maybe give her a few months more of having to consciously live with a death sentence.

            Incidents like this have led me to believe that dealing with client health issues require really listening to whether the person can ‘have’ the information – which gets back to my idea that intuitive health readings can generate real ‘hot potatoes’.

Beginning Time:  MDT 6/20/2011 10:34:38 AM   Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


               Today, I am back in at the Nurse’s office in Union School, only it looks much bigger and full of equipment – scanners and the like, along with a regenerative sarcophagus.

            Emiko, wearing culottes and a sleeveless blouse (as opposed to her robe), is standing close to the sarcophagus.

            She smiles and waves her hand.  “All of this equipment, including the sarcophagus, are healing aids one can use to help oneself and others at energetic healing levels.”

            “We have encouraged you to take the Healing Touch class because the information you can learn there can allow you to learn how to use this equipment.”

            Emiko then bows.  I thank her and, as she vanishes, so does all the equipment in the nurse’s office.

            By the time I return to normal consciousness, it is again just a small room.    



Ending Time:   MDT 10:40:51 A.M.

Ending Comments:  

            If anyone has noticed that my interests go from one thing to another, he or she is right.

            A few years back, I realized that I have ‘scanner’ type personality, which can make me look a little capricious.

            What I have learned over the years, however, that all the little ‘detours’ which come up in my life sooner or later blend into my unique path.

            At this point, all I can do is trust that my guidance knows what it is talking about, and go with the flow.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.


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4:30 PM through 6:30 PM

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