Friday, June 03, 2011

Year 2011 Day 154 June 03: Benjamin on Forgotten Pleasures

Benjamin on Forgotten Pleasures

Day 154 Date:  Friday June 03, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            As my mind is more focused on physical reality concerns, today will be another energy shift “pot luck”:

Beginning Time:  MDT 6/3/2011 10:21:48 AM   Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            I am pleased to find myself in the very cozy living room in my special place.

            Though the weather in Loveland may be summer,  here the season is right for a fireplace (a real one – not gas) to be crackling and adding warmth to the room.

            I am curled up on the sofa facing the fireplace; I then notice I am holding a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows.

            This makes me laugh, as in physical reality, such a pleasure has been off my diet for years.

            Benjamin materializes in a chair at right angles to me.

            “Your cup of hot chocolate is here as a reminder to not cut too many pleasures out of your physical existence.

            Without them, physical reality can become a drab place.

            In the last few years, this has been something which you have not forgotten, but have chosen to ignore.

            It does not have to be a cup of chocolate, per se, but we would recommend you take a look at the pleasures you no longer bring into your reality and bring at least a few back.

            And do so without guilt, which would take the edge off the experience.”

            Benjamin rises, and I thank him before he sends be a telepathic hug and vanishes.



Ending Time:   MDT 10:32:41 A.M.

Ending Comments:  

            Benjamin has a point.  Within the next few days I think I will make a list.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.



Visit Dori at the Mandolin Cafe in Downtown Loveland, Co

June 14th & 28th

4:30 PM through 6:30 PM

for a brief Natal tropical/sidereal reading


A Seven Week Destiny Card Forecast!