Monday, April 25, 2011

Year 2011 Day 115 April 25: A Rote about Tree Consciousness

Day 115 Date:  Monday April 25, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            Though I am trying to keep my blogs short through this week, I did mention if something came up, then I would take the time to comment upon it.

            This weekend, something did - a new addition to our ‘family’ – so to speak.

            A cat or dog or bird?  No.  This one has green leaves, and goes by the name of Greny-wah (the y and the w are somehow slurred together, accent on the last syllable).

            A week or so ago, we ordered a Rose of Sharon bush to replace a dead bush in our back yard.

            When  it arrived, we were surprised to see it was only a seedling – about a foot tall – and, even more surprising,  the little seedling is very conscious, has already communicated its name, and a little about itself.

            The trip in the dark through the mail and being cut off from its friends has been frightening and disheartening to it.  Its attitude reminds me a little of a kitten which has just been separated from its mother and littermates.

            Right now, it is in the house because we were going to wait for someone to tear out the other bush, but we have changed our mind.

            We will put a bigger bush of its species in the back yard (local nurseries have the bigger guys),  and plant this little being in a spot in front, where there is a little more shelter from the elements and also where we can stay more easily connected.

            I have to laugh that the little baby bush has tried to talk me into keeping it indoors, near us.

            I had to tell it that it would not be happy, over time, being inside.

            But that brings up a question for me.

            I somehow had the idea that beings in trees which have soul connections were either dormant or did not merge with the tree until they were much more mature.

            Greny-wah, however, is definitely a baby, and definitely quite conscious, so I am going to see if I can pull in a rote which will answer my question:

Beginning Time:  MDT4/25/2011 10:38:30 AM   Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            Today, the library I am visiting is in Doriville and looks like the old stone library in my hometown.

            As I enter the building, however, the ‘stacks’ look more like the ‘data globules’ which I interact with at other focus levels.

            The only difference here, is that the ‘stacks’ have a floor to them, so I can walk to different locations.

            I wonder how I will be able to find the information (which I usually do by intent) in this more physical format, but there is no problem: I can see a ‘flashing light’ in a stack halfway down the room.

            I walk to that stack and the information globule floats down to me so it is facing me at eye level.

            This is very cool, as it expands and surrounds me for a moment, then vanishes.

            I can feel the information exchange happening, but I am getting only bits and pieces at the moment.

            But the data is beginning to congeal:

            It seems that usually beings which connect to trees do wait until the seedlings are older and more mature, but this depends on the species of the tree and the intent of the seedling.

            This being wished to experience the entire life death cycle of the tree, and therefore merged with its essence when it was just a seed.

            Though the probability is great that this seedling will grow into a mature healthy tree (or bush, as some designate it), there is also a caution to us to burn the tree (to free its essence completely) if it happens to die.

            Beings can have some of their essence caught in the form of dead trees without any outside assistance.

            It seems as if this is all the data I am able to translate at the moment, and find myself settling back into normal consciousness.        



Ending Time:   MDT 10:50:50 A.M.

Ending Comments:  

            I find the experience in the library – of learning a new way to access data – just as interesting as the data itself.

            By the way, I did not mention that I somehow ‘got’ the info that a library will not take on as physical a shape as it did today unless the data the library specializes in is about physical matters – such as information on trees.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.

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4:30 PM through 6:30 PM

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