Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Year 2011 Day 131 May 11: On Mediumistic Information

On Mediumistic Information

Day 131 Date:  Wednesday May 11, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            The last few days have brought into my experience a number of attachments to channeled material.

            I get these from time to time, but not usually so many from so many different people.

            Sometimes, I have not had the time to read the attachments, but somehow I felt compelled to do so this time.

            The information on those attachments was what I called mixed.  Some of the data corroborated much of the data I have heard from other sources.

            The trouble with channeled material is that when the being comes through a medium at our dimension, the information is dependent on the medium’s filter and, at least to me, sometimes the data feels distorted in some way.

            A medium in full trance (one who voice channels) also does not have the opportunity to question its sources.  The source comes in, makes a statement and leaves.

            If the people around the medium have enough identity and ‘seniority’ (the ability to question and argue with a source) then they can assist the medium in qualifying the information.

            That is, of course, unless the medium feels, either at a conscious level or unconscious level, that the data the source is providing is “infallible” at which time debating with or questioning a source can become a taboo.

            When I first read the Jane Roberts Seth Material, and she encouraged us to find out what abilities we had,  I was disappointed when I could not voice channel a Seth type being.

            Now, years later, I feel that was probably a good thing.

            When I started out writing these blogs, the information I received was more “channeled’  (i.e. written at normal consciousness) than they are now, but still, because I did not go into so deep a trance that I lost connection with physical reality, most of that channeled material had my conscious censure system weaved within.

            Since I have learned about focus levels, and how to converse with my sources in dimensions outside of normal consciousness, however, I find that my ability to keep my seniority has increased.

            A good example is the yesterday’s message, where Xan said the probability of there being a significant earthquake in the New Madrid area was over 86 percent within 5 years.

            What I wrote down was over 86 percent within 20-30 years, because I have learned that the beings on that side do not see our time increments as clearly as someone who lives in this reality.

            Did I just write down 20 to 30 years without debating the issue?

            Of course not.  Actually before I wrote down that data, not only did I question (at least twice) the numbers (86 percent is pretty high),  I also got my sources to concede that the energy they saw could take as long as 20-30 years to manifest.

            As physical creatures, we need to remember that we have our expertise which our sources do not.  We are the ones who are experiencing this dimension we call normal consciousness.

            Many sources live in no- time-no-space and can see the countless probabilities which we, as physical beings, cannot see.

            Getting the time and probability “right” – particularly at a time now when everything is in flux and those alive on our planet are heading smack dab into an energetic crossroads – can be difficult.

            Now, when I read some (but not all) of the channeled material, what popped into my brain was an adage I heard some thirty years ago:

            Untrue things are messy and complicated.

          True things are simple and beautiful.

            Some of the channeled material I read struck me as having parts that were messy and complicated.

            As I took my walk today, I reflected on this.

            Depending on the medium and the being, some channeled material which seems to be abstract and hard to read is sometimes reflecting a tenuous connection between medium and source.

            Other channeled material which is abstract and hard to read, however, is maintaining more of its multidimensionality.

            To make this even more confusing, one medium could dictate abstract information that would lose its quality of energy by simplifying the translation in one session (or parts of one session), and simply be reflecting a poor connection the rest of the time.

            People who read or listen to channeled material, then, need to develop a ‘gut feel’ for what is multidimensional and what is information which cannot get through well.

            When I first began my form of channeling (which mostly is literary), my data was what one publisher sneeringly called “abstract and poetic”. 

            Some of it, frankly, was my frail connection to my nonphysical sources, but some of it was powerful enough to take my breath away after I reread what I wrote.

            Since 2005, my messages have become more prosaic and simple.

            Sometimes that does not do the data I have received justice and sometimes keeping it abstract might give it more power.

            This does not mean that the abstract level would be any more understandable, however.

            When I go to Australia and New Zealand, my sources have already warned me that I may be writing some “multidimensional messages” at the sacred sites I run into.

            For this discussion, that is neither here nor there.

            What my sources proposed today was that I demonstrate my process I go through as I translate raw telepathic data (which most literary channeling is pulling in) into something that is readable and understandable.

            Most of you may not know that, for me, the first level of translation comes in as Ektavasi, which my mind then can further translate into multidimensional data, and then into simpler prose.

            So, today, I will be remaining in “normal consciousness” and work with this: 

Beginning Time:  MDT 5/11/2011 12:57 PM   Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            Ya koo see new lat pay itchhh sic notoo etch hit

           a ccoo lat nichoo heetz kloo nah pay-ya lat achoo noot klott

            papla saat anooo eek slee moo nott atcch loot meeen.


           Don a slipper of silk and roses

           onto feet which trod the paths of wisdom

            and see if there is any difference

            from wearing worn out shoes.        


            One of the translations of the above (there are more than one because it is multidimensional) is in regard to my discussion of the difficulties of producing viable data when one is working as a medium.

            In simpler prose, what I ‘get’ from the message is that sometimes a medium who knows nothing about seniority but has the inner capability of translation might be just as valid, if not more, than a medium which works diligently on ones seniority and symbolic filters.

            I laugh as I translate that.



Ending Time:   MDT 1:05:18 PM

Ending Comments:  

            To recognize a medium that has that inner capability of producing valid data without much information or training, however, and not get taken in by someone whose connections are less than pristine, however, would probably require some training in both critical thinking and applied intuition.

            And any medium, no matter how talented, would profit by some training.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.



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