Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Year 2011 Day 124 May 04: Dreams of Alternate Realities

Day 124 Date:  Wednesday May 00, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            My trip to Australia is now rescheduled for early September.

            This time, however, I am not going to count on that date until at least 60 days before the trip. 

            For the May tour, the company had bought the airline tickets and still cancelled out.

            The September date, however, ‘feels’ more ‘solid’, so I am hoping.

            For the last two days, allergies have disturbed my sleep and I have had some interesting dreams.

            Yesterday morning,  I woke up in what I call some kind of ‘movie’ where I had gone through some kind of dimensional portal into a 2011 where there was no cable and no cell phones, and everyone was living in a kind of pre- 1980 type technology.

            Today, it was about attacks in a restaurant.

            Today’s dreams are fading more quickly than the day before, but the emotional content of this morning’s dream took a while to dissipate.

            Perhaps I am tuning into the group mind which has a worry that there will be some kind of ‘terrorist backlash’ in retaliation against the death of Osama Bin Laden.

            Today, therefore, I energy shift with those dreams in mind:   

Beginning Time:  MDT 5/4/2011 12:16:18 PM Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            Today, I find myself in the ‘dream room’ of my L27 Special Place.

            My first impression is that there seems to be a lot of clowns – not very nice ones – coming out of the walls.     

            For a moment, I wonder if I am in the clown room, but my guidance negates this: these are ‘nightmare clowns’ of my subconscious.

            I therefore ask why the clowns.

            Immediately, I find myself out of the dream room, and seated at the dinette in my Special Place kitchen.

            Benjamin, in human form, sits across from me.

            “Even though the group mind anxieties of your mass consciousness is easing somewhat, there is enough uncertainty and fear to impact one’s ability to touch one’s sense of humor and optimism.

            Your personal symbolism has translated this into scary clowns.

            At other levels, you are also tuning into the group fear that your civilization is delicate enough so that society could easily regress into a pre 1980’s type technology, perhaps by some kind of technological attack.

            The possibility of this has been disseminated through some of your TV shows, so the probability exists.

            Today we wish to assure you that the probability, at this time is low.

            At the moment of now, the statistics suggest no more than a 28 per cent probability that this would become your reality.

            However, please understand that, in some dimension, thanks to the fears of the group mind, this is the reality.

            It is not uncommon for ones dreaming self to visit other realities/dimensions of alternate probabilities such as that one.

            But then, this is something you already know.”

            Benjamin rises, bows, and gives me time to thank him before he disappears.

            I return to normal consciousness feeling somewhat better about my last two disturbing dreams.        



Ending Time:   MDT 12:27:47 P.M.

Ending Comments:  

            I sometimes forget that our dreaming realities can span other dimensions and probabilities and, when circumstances are right, we can bring back bits and pieces from those realities.   

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.


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4:30 PM through 6:30 PM

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