Friday, September 16, 2011

Year 2011 Day 259 September 16: Desktop Tour to an Ancient Spot

Day 259 Date:  Friday September 16, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

            Though this week has had its fill of medical appointments, it also has had a few car appointments.

            The drive to the Twin Cities is about 900 miles, and I expect to add at least another 300 on my trip farther North, and then to Lake Superior.

            Eight years ago, I bought my present car brand new.

            As I have not driven the car a whole lot the last few years,  the mileage has hardly crept up, but this does not mean that the car does not need servicing.

            After eight years, I also have begun to notice the car has developed the beginnings of what I call an ‘old’ smell, so, besides a trip to the garage for servicing, I decided to have the interior detailed.

            Hopefully, this means I will be driving to Minnesota in a sweet  (or at least better) smelling car.

           Yesterday,  I got a very clean, neutral smelling but still damp, car back.

            That everything was not dry put somewhat a crimp in my plans, as I had hoped to start organizing the car for my trip.

            The seats were dry this morning, but the mats were still wet, meaning there was some organizing I could do.

            The organizing, however, took precedence over writing a message, as organizing takes much more physical energy than sitting and writing, and I seem to have more energy at the beginning of the day.

            Today,  as I begin to run energy,  I am beginning to see what I call my “ancient spot” apart from Doriville in the Focus 10-12 vibration:    

Beginning Time:  MDT   9/16/2011 12:02:30 PM Location: Loveland, Co

Energy Shift:


            For those of you who are not familiar with my ancient spot, it is a stone courtyard, walled in by circular stone fencing, and which has circular benches in the middle.

            Over the years,  I have occasionally run into the most unexpected people there.

            Today,  the place seems to be crowded with beings in human form.

            Every one of them has a different color, and, as they are floating, not walking about the courtyard, they make a beautiful sight.

            A translucent rose being who I have recently met who I call Genevia sees me, and beckons.

            I find myself in my light violet energy form as I join the others.

            “This is just a time to connect with energies,” Genevia tells me.

            “Any information you will be receiving will be for levels of body and soul that has no English translation.

            “You actually have been working with us at night and, as you have had questions about whether anything has been going on at all…” She chuckles. .  “We thought you might like a symbolic representation on what and with whom you are working.

            We are sorry that there is no translation, but in time what is happening now will make sense to your brain, and you will be able to add some words to it.

            In the meantime, as we have advised before,  be patient and persistent .”

            I thank Genevia for her information, then find myself drifting back to normal consciousness.




Ending Time:   MDT 12:12:03 PM

Ending Comments:  

            A week or so ago,  I woke up one morning with the understanding that I need to exercise (and learn) patience.

            Yesterday or so,  I also became aware that I also need to maintain perseverance,  which is not always easy for me.

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.


Dori Alsop Paden