Year 2011 Day 250 September 07: Nonphysical Traveling Advice
Day 250 Date: Wednesday September 07, 2011
Beginning Comments:
A dictation in the middle of the night, Sunday September 05:
Beginning Time: MDT 9/4/2011 3:15:08 AM Location: Loveland, Co
Energy Shift:
Tonight, I have been traveling, and woke up enough to half remember where I have been.
This time, it was in the level 40XX area, which usually hasn’t as much clarity as the other levels.
This time, all I could see was lights, geometric shapes, and the feeling of many around me - my healers, not only of body of other levels.
One of them – which looked like it was wearing a gas mask – stood out among the rest.
Why it looked that way, I don’t know, but as it took my hand, it told me it was opening an old door to old memories and old knowledge.
The experience felt very healing.
All this happened while I was still in my bed, and then I got the ‘call’ to arise and try to pull in dictation – this urgency was not as intense as it has been other times, but enough to feel getting out of bed was worth the effort.
Whoever it was began with the words “Dearest One” which is not usually an address with which I am comfortable.
Me being me, I have been looking for words a little different, but the being insists that its message begins with DEAREST ONE:
“There is a promontory in the North, one which you have visited in this body, on a lake you call Superior.
Your travel plans to Minnesota has not included a visit to the Lake, but I/we advise you to stretch your mileage to include at least one night’s visit to the North Shore.
There is an energy which you left and which you need to recapture.
You know the place. It is not hard to find, nor difficult to revisit.
I/we are now sending you equations which will assist you in opening up one door and closing another, which did not close all the way.
We Bless You,
Your Chorus and added new Guidance”
Ending Time: MDT 3:29:37 A.M.
Ending Comments:
When I got up in the middle of the night, this was the last thing I expected to be dictating.
Somehow I thought it might be something a little more lofty or metaphysical.
I know exactly where the beings want me to go, though I will have to look on a map to recall the name of the place.
As of September 07, I have that information and will be adding it to my itinerary when I go to Minnesota at the end of the month.
Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.
Dori Alsop Paden