Year 2011 Day 165 June 14: An Interview with Nonphysical Healers
Day 165 Date: Tuesday June 14, 2011
Beginning Comments:
I first want to assure anyone who is planning on visiting me at the Mandolin Café this evening that I intend to be there from 04:30 to 06:30 PM.
Yesterday was an interesting day. I was done with the mini surgery by noon, but experienced much more soreness than I expected plus muscle spasms from other parts of the back.
This morning, I feel much better.
The doctor has advised me that the effect of the steroids which they injected might not manifest for up to a week, which is somewhat of a disappointment.
I guess I will just have to wait and see.
All that said, at another level, during surgery I had an interesting experience.
For the procedure, they put me under light sedation – enough so that I was out but still felt the pinch somewhat when they injected me.
I heard the doctor say “You’re done”, and was conscious enough to recall being transferred from the table to the chair where they would be escorting me back to my cubicle.
But, as I got into my chair, I found myself profusely thanking all the people in the room (I think I even shook their hands), and when I saw the doctor sitting in the corner, I threw him a thank you also.
Not until I got back into my cube did I realize that all that goodwill I was throwing around in the operating room did not come from me, but from some entity that was cohabiting my body during the procedure.
This happened once before - during a surgical procedure much more serious than this.
That was 1996. I came out of anesthesia as I was leaving the operating room and heard myself (in a voice that was not at all me) complimenting the people in the room about how good a job they did.
In the last ten years or so I have had more surgical procedures (some serious and some not) without that kind of experience happening.
For me, Dori the personality, I find it somewhat embarrassing; even though the entities are polite, caring and complimentary, they are not how I behave nor who I am.
This morning, therefore, I decided to see if I could track down the entity and learn something about it.
I had wondered if it was Emiko, but learned that this entity is a little more physical, and works in the surgical centers.
For my benefit, it gives itself the name of Rose-anya, though it goes by many names.
While I was taking my walk today, I picked up bits and pieces of what this being is about.
To put them all together, however, today I will try to interview this being while I run energy:
Beginning Time: MDT 6/14/2011 9:34:24 AM Location: Loveland, Co
Energy Shift:
Today, I find myself in the nurse’s office in Union school, which was the elementary school I attended in my home town from kindergarten through sixth grade.
Rose-anya and Emiko are there. Rose-anya is wearing a fifties style nurses outfit – white dress, cap and the like while Emiko is wearing a traditional Japanese robe. I do not know much about Japanese culture, but her outfit looks like what I have seen Geishas wear in the movies.
Rose-anya approaches and shakes my hand.
“It is not often that I get a chance to talk to my charges consciously.”
I get the impression that she is a nonphysical medical worker who assists in surgeries.
Rose-anya agrees. “But there are many of us. Humans who go into surgery have varied vibrational levels, so there are many assistants around to work with the varying levels.
There are also assistants who work with mediums – trance mediums and those who work with bodies with not as much mediumistic structure in their bodies.
As you are a strong trance medium, many assistants you would attract would be able to cohabit your body during the procedure, and add to the healing in ways which is not possible for those with less mediumistic bodies.
At the same time, other helpers outside the body assist the physical healers – doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists – in doing their jobs to the best of their ability.
The entity which cohabited your body in 1996 was not I. In your terms, she would have gone by the name of Co-chita and works the more serious surgeries.
I, on the other hand, work with trance medium bodies in the more simple surgeries.
There have been surgeries where entities cohabited your body but left without your recognizing your presence, and there have been surgeries where the assistance of an entity was not necessary.
As you can see, each event is individual.”
I ask Rose-anya if she or someone else was around when I had other procedures not quite the same as this, but similar, in 2009.
Emiko steps forward. “Your body was in a place of resistance to the help of a healing entity. This was probably why the procedures did not help you all that much.
This time, however, when you asked for help, your body was willing to allow Rose-anya in.
The symptoms which ensued, and which worried you were actually your body’s reaction to internal energy adjustments which Rose-anya could make during that brief time it could cohabit.
You may find that this procedure will work much better than the other two you had in 2009, and may last longer than anyone expects.
Pursuing other avenues of pain control, however, is something which also is in your best interest, for the procedure is not likely to be permanent.”
I thank Emiko and ask her about how others might be able to benefit more from the surgical helpers.
“Consciously asking for help in whatever way makes sense for the body is first.
Then being open to the healing is also important.
This may not be as easy, or simplistic as it sounds. If there are beliefs or walls against healing, conscious or otherwise, then these energies keep the entities from being able to assist, sometimes partially, and sometimes not at all.
In 2009, your body was in more resistance to healing.
This does not make you a bad or wrong person.
Healing often is a matter of timing, and the timing was not quite correct.
This can happen to anyone, so if one cannot connect with healing entities during any kind of healing process – surgical or otherwise, do not let self or anyone else make one a bad person because one could not be open and receptive to energies at that moment.”
Emiko and Rose-anya bow and telepath their need to leave.
As I thank them, they both approach to hug me (this being nonphysical reality, they merge as one being in the hug) and then vanish.
Ending Time: MDT 10:01:13 A.M.
Ending Comments:
The moral to this story (if there is one) may be that when one approaches a healing opportunity (be it surgery or even acupuncture or a chiropractic event), taking the time to ask for the nonphysical support which is around may be able to add to the healing experience.
Now, one post script from Emiko: if you allow yourself to be receptive to the nonphysical healers and none seem to appear, then the physical healer you are visiting might not be at your correct wave length, and you might want to check out another doctor/acupuncturist/massage therapist/chiropractor/or whomever.
This does not mean, however, that those healers will not work well for someone else at a different wave length.
One final note: as this message is, for all intents and purposes, my “Monday” publication, I will be publishing another one tomorrow, Wednesday June 15.
Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.
Visit Dori at the Mandolin Cafe in Downtown Loveland, Co
June 14th & 28th
4:30 PM through 6:30 PM
for a brief Natal tropical/sidereal reading
A Seven Week Destiny Card Forecast!