Monday, August 15, 2011

Year 2011 Day 227 August 15: Messages from June 27, 1980

Day 227 Date:  Monday August 15, 2011 

Beginning Comments:

                        I am very happy to feel well enough to be able to publish messages.  When I published my hiatus notice,  I was still pretty sick and read the calendar wrong.  I had meant August 15 or later, not August 18

            Until I am completely on my  “feet” so to speak,  I will be publishing as yet unpublished selections from my collection of channeled messages (my blasts from the pasts ) which I wrote from fall of November 1977 through 2005 when I started my websites and they became blogs.

             On June 27, 1980,  I wrote a number of multidimensional messages, one which I actually memorized.

            For today, therefore,  I will be sharing a number of my ‘ditties’, as I called them way back when:

Beginning Time:  N/A  Location: Moundsview, Minnesota   June 27, 1980

Energy Shift:


    I.        Time contracts and expands

               Like a road over the seasons.

                  But it has more elasticity -

Whoever has seen a pothole in time?

  II.         Houses are scattered over the countryside –

    Some like slums, some  mansions, some places of business.

       Those who live in them or visit them have their reasons for being there.

            (Author’s note – this ditty was a little self evident)

III.        Grapes grow on vines

           And Cattle in pastures

            But people can grow in garbage or at banquets.

               It is a matter of choice,

IV.        Pick  at a typewriter with one finger

        Or use all ten

                 Accuracy is a matter of intention

                 Speed is a matter of hurry

        The machine doesn’t care. 

 (In this day, maybe one needs to substitute keyboard for typewriter)


V.        See the landscape from the air

     Then cleave into a manhole.

          Note the different in view.


VI.        Babies play with rattles and blocks:

           Watch them giggle.

Adults play with ideas and misfortune.

           Watch them cry.

(Back in the 80’s most people I knew were struggling)

VII.        A block is a block

A Cat is a Cat

A machine is a machine

a sky is a sky

      ….Or Are They?

VIII.        Roses are Red

      Violets are Blue

Try smelling them with your eyes

Or viewing them with your nose.

IX.        Become a Tree or a cloud or a rock.

Then listen to what they have to say.

(I wrote this years before I knew that our planet held myriad non human sentient life forms).

X.        Salt and Pepper decorate most tables –

         The spices of ordinary existence.

            Most times they are ignored until needed.

But gone, they are missed.

XI.        Look at Trophies on a shelf – symbols of accomplishment

What was lost to gain them?

What was gained?

(This is the one I memorized)

XII.        Picture a fireplace in the dead of winter –

Flames crackling, the aroma of kindling.

Outside, the wind blows, piling up the snow.

Where would you rather be?

XIII.        Dams plug up rivers

     Making lakes and a spot for fish.

       All is beautiful.

         Picture a broken dam.



Ending Time:   MDT

Ending Comments:  

           As I read these ditties, I see that some have more impact and wisdom than others, but I have always enjoyed the energy I wrote them with way back when.          

Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.



Dori Alsop Paden