Year 2011 Day 210 July 29: A Multidimensional Message to the American President
Day 210 Date: Friday July 29, 2011
Beginning Comments:
I am publishing this message the night of Thursday, July 28.
Tomorrow morning I will be leaving the house for major surgery at about 5 am.
An ovarian cyst which has been innocuous and stable has decided to fill up with blood, to the point that it is about 4 inches in circumference. Besides its causing much more pain than I usually have to endure, it could explode and then cause even more trouble.
I have given my doctor permission to do a total hysterectomy; not only does that make his job easier, it also prevents the other innocuous cyst from doing the same thing down the road.
Though I will have to take matters very easy for the next two weeks, I should be able to begin writing short messages.
What I probably will do at first is dive into my archives file and dug out as yet unpublished material from the 1980’s and 1990’s, or maybe even later.
Whether I will publish a message next Monday, however, is still up in the air.
The Following is a multidimensional message written on December 31, 1985 to the president of the United States, which would have been Ronald Reagan.
It is one of my stranger pieces:
Beginning Time: Unknown date: 12/31/1985 Location: Plymouth, Mn.
Energy Shift:
Mister 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue:
Gracious is the place where beetles fly without Raid.
Simple is the land with faults – they shake from time to time just for the exercise.
Nice is the Capitol Hill in the spring where cherry trees have the knowledge of life.
Exercise the right to breathe - it can save your life.
Maybe in the future or past, riddles shall reign (have reigned) supreme.
So then shall the universe live in peace, harmony and the nonamerican way.
Ending Time: N/A
Ending Comments:
This was one multidimensional message I do not remember writing.
But I have to say that in 2011 that this kind of strange message still has some validity.
Copyright © 2011, Dori Alsop Paden, All rights reserved.
Dori Alsop Paden